Plumbing and Firefighting Associations Call for Plastic Piping Ban

Plumbing and Firefighting Associations Call for Plastic Piping Ban The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) and the United Association of Plumbers, Fitters, Welders and HVAC Service Techs (UA) recently called for a ban on plastic piping in hospitals, nursing facilities, high rise residential structures, and healthcare facilities. Using materials other than plastic will reduce … more

Fire Safety, Leaching

Fires Melt Plastic Pipes and Release Carcinogens into Water Supplies

Fires Melt Plastic Pipes and Release Carcinogens into Water Supplies As fires like the devastating Camp Fire occur nationwide, water quality crises have become part of the aftermath. In recent years wildfires have claimed cities, communities and millions of acres of land. According to the National Interagency Fire Center, 10 million acres burned in 2017, 8.8 … more

Fire Safety, Leaching, Permeation